In this edition of State of the Union we look at privacy vs freedom of information online as well as how Europe should deal with populism.
In the ongoing Brexit drama, political tensions in London are running high.
And that is an understatement.
This week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered a monumental defeat when the British Supreme Court declared his shutting down of parliament unlawful.
The next day, the House of Commons was back in session – with the two sides only showing disdain for each other.
The wave of populism and nationalism across Europe, of which Brexit is a major expression, has transformed the political landscape.
And it has also changed the way the political players interact with each other.
Largely helped by “social” media, tone and language have become more “unsocial” and disrespectful.
So where do we go from here?
Earlier this week, I had a chance to speak to a big political thinker in town.
Right to be Forgotten
This week, the European Court of Justice imposed geographic limits on “the right to be forgotten”.
From now on it only applies within the European Union.
A victory of sorts for Google – and a disappointment for privacy advocates.
Next Week
On Monday, the public hearings start in Brussels to assess the suitability for the future EU commissioners.
Also on Monday, the embattled British Tories come together in Manchester for their annual party conference.
And on Friday, the EU environment ministers hold a policy debate in Luxembourg on the long-term vision for a climate neutral economy.
Catch it all on Euronews and