The daughter of Putin's spokesman, Elizaveta Peskova, is currently interning for French MEP and former National Rally member Aymeric Chauprade, Euronews has learned. Chauprade said that Peskova does not have access to any confidential information.
Elizaveta Peskova, the daughter Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, is currently serving as an intern for French MEP Aymeric Chauprade (pictured above with Marine Le Pen) in the European Parliament in Brussels.
Chauprade, a former advisor to Marine Le Pen in international affairs, told Euronews that Peskova, the daughter of Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, had been interning in his office since November but that she did not have access to any confidential information.
He said that Peskova has been concentrating on non-EU topics such as Senegal, adding that he has no intention of firing the 21-year-old.
A spokesperson for the European Parliament, Marjory van den Broeke, confirmed to Euronews that Peskova doesn't have any access to sensitive documents concerning the EU.
Speaking to the AFP, Chauprade said that Peskova, who studies law in France, was paid €1000 a month like all the other interns and that she did not work in the EU/Russia delegation to which he belongs.
Peskov told the Russian Ria-Novosti agency that his daughter is doing a simple internship that has no correlation to his work.
"I would not like to comment on something else, this concerns my daughter, this does not concern my official duties, my work," he said.
Peskova's name can be seen on the MEPs official European Parliament webpage.
Chauprade worked for the right-wing National Rally party in 2014 but left a year later after a fight with its leaders, becoming independent after that.
The French MEP was also part of the observation committee during the referendum organised by Moscow in Crimea after the annexation of the peninsula in 2014.
"I never hid the fact that I thought of Crimea as historically Russian and that there had been a vote of support from the people at that time," he told the AFP.