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Brexit deal 'only one possible'

Brexit deal 'only one possible'
By Euronews
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The EU has united behind the Brexit deal in Brussels, making clear this is the only deal possible. But as the EU Council president stated, this is not the end of the road - it marks just the first step of many.


The EU has united behind the Brexit deal in Brussels, making clear this is the only deal possible. But as the EU Council president stated, this is not the end of the road - it marks just the first step of many.

"Ahead of us is the difficult process of ratification as well as further negotiations. But regardless of how it will all end, one thing is certain: we will remain friends until the end of days, and one day longer," commented Tusk with a smile.

The main sticking point ahead of Sunday's summit had been the issue of Gibraltar. However, a last minute fix was found - with Spain claiming victory. Something which may cause problems for the UK prime minister.

However, Theresa May came out on the defensive, with tougher times ahead.

"Before Christmas, MPs will vote on this deal. It will be one of the most significant votes that parliament has held for many years on it will depend whether we move forward together into a brighter future or open the door to yet more division and uncertainty."

Words that seem to sum up the mood at an Anti-Brexit protest in Brussels. And even members of the UK opposition say the deal won't make it to the end of the year.

"This divorce deal is likely to be rejected by the House of Commons, it's bad for Britain, bad for Europe, it tears us apart. That's why there are so many people here today from Britain and elsewhere opposing it and this is not a settled issue," remarks Richard Corbett, UK Labour MEP.

Although the UK m ay be divided, anti-Brexit activist Femi Oluwole comments that the withdrawal agreement unites both sides over their disdain for the deal.

"Even the people that people who voted for Brexit they are not happy with this deal. They wanted more control, this deal means they'll have less control over their country. This is a betrayal of not just the people who voted for Brexit, not just the young people, but the entire country for generations to come."

For now, dissenting voices are making themselves heard in Brussels, but in the coming days they will be echoing across the Channel in London.

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