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It's a miracle: Lambrusco fans in northern Italy get wine on tap - literally

It's a miracle: Lambrusco fans in northern Italy get wine on tap - literally
Copyright AP
Copyright AP
By Julie GaubertChristoph Debets
Published on Updated
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Due to an error in the local winery, wine entered the main water supply and caused many locals to drink it immediately!


In the small settlement of Settecani, near Modena in northern Italy, residents could hardly believe their eyes. When turning on their taps, water became wine, and Lambrusco bubbled out of the tap.


It was just like the 'Wedding at Cana', local residents rejoiced on social media. But there was no divine intervention here, rather a technical error during the bottling process in the local Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro winery.

A valve at the bottling plant is connected to the water pipe used for cleaning and washing. But the sparkling wine built up too much pressure and ended up in the mains water pipe.

As a result, litres of vine juice were pumped into the water pipes of several nearby houses.

"I was washing some stuff in the kitchen", Maurizio Agpi told Italian press agency AGI, who just lives across the street from the winery, "I turned off the tap, turned it on again, and instead of the water I saw wine: I said 'Allegria' (joy) and we toasted."

The bubbly fantasy was over after a few hours. The municipality apologised for the incident and stressed that there were no hygienic and health risks for the residents. "It is only wine that was already ready for bottling," confirmed the winery.

Wine is always the answer

For the residents, the bizarre event was a welcome distraction from the coronavirus, which continues to keep Italy in suspense.

The city is located in the region of Emilia-Romagna, which is among the most affected by the spread of the outbreak.

In Italy, more than 3,916 people have been infected and the death toll jumped from 107 people on Wednesday to 148 on Thursday. Then by 49 on Friday, to 197.

Some people are said to have even bottled some of the free nectar. True to the motto: If you no longer know whether to laugh or cry, the answer is always wine.

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