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Sweden election: six Swedes tell us who they will vote for on Sunday

Sweden election: six Swedes tell us who they will vote for on Sunday
By Chris Harris
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Read our snapshot of opinion in Sweden to know what people are thinking ahead of Sunday's election.

Hannah Parman, 19, from Stockholm


“On Sunday I will be voting for vänsterpartiet. I was born in Sweden and in many ways, I live a privileged life. I can afford to study what I want, art, pay my rent and I'm healthy. And that's why I vote for Vänsterpartiet (Left Party), so everyone can get the same opportunities no matter what age, gender or ethnicity. The questions I prioritise when I vote is asylum, feminism and taxes. I think it’s important to remember that the liberals forget about those who don't fit into the norm. In that way it becomes unfair. The socialists give everyone the same chance of a good and safe life.”

Patrik Spathon, 30, from Chamonix, France

“I’m heading home from France to vote because I want to stop the Sweden Democrats. I don’t know who I’m going to vote for yet but I just want to stop them. They have been really divisive for our society.”

Ulf Ahlberg, 57, from Falkenberg, Sweden

“I will vote for Centerpartiet (Centre Party) because this party has a human rights agenda more than any other party participating in the Swedish election. They also have a strong programme regarding climate change. I think it is important to take a strong stand for human rights considering the populist nationalist parties. As in other countries, populist parties are dividing Sweden on a scale that we have never seen before. To me, a vote for Centerpartiet will secure a decent political climate. Its politics that brings us together and points a positive way forward.”

Kjell Torbiorn, 71, from Stockholm

“I’ll be voting for the Sweden Democrats. It’s a party that for over a decade has called for a more controlled immigration and has warned against the consequences of the largely failed integration of - not all but many - immigrants, especially from non-European cultures with values very different from our own.

“I also vote SD to help improve the lot of hundreds of thousands of old-age Swedish pensioners, who live below the EU-defined poverty line as their rightfully earned pensions have been robbed to cover the astronomical costs of asylum and integration.

“With many parts of Swedish society now on their knees due to excessive immigration - police, jurisdiction, health care and housing to name a few - the SD will add new vitality to an ossified Swedish political party landscape in acute need of renewal.”

Fredrik Grenson, 47, from Malmö

“I will be voting for the Moderate Party, I’m pretty sure. They are liberal and conservative. The problem with the left wing is that they have not really been competent in the way that they manage the government work. There is quite a lot of evidence for that.

“The big problem in Sweden is immigration and whatever we talk about it is lurking in the background. A lot of people like me have difficulty discussing things like healthcare and schools because immigration is in the background all the time. People like me we’re not really negative towards immigration at all, we’re positive, but integration has not succeeded and been done in a good way and that is what this election is all about.”

Markus Andreasson, 32, Stockholm

“I want to vote for The Liberals. I agree with them on many questions and their party leader is an experienced former government minister. But to avoid political chaos with no-one being able to govern I'm considering the bigger party Moderaterna (Moderate Party), they are pretty close to The Liberals’ politics.

“Everyone is saying they won't rule with Sweden Democrats. The problem is the Democrats will probably be the second- or third-biggest party and will have a lot to say. So that's why I'm considering Moderaterna.”

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