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Feeling good: positive stories from the week

Feeling good: positive stories from the week
Copyright Unsplash
Copyright Unsplash
By Camille Bello
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Studies have shown that increasing positive emotions has a powerful effect on our general wellbeing. We hope they'll give you a nice shot of positive energy to cheer up your Friday!


Studies have shown that increasing positive emotions has a powerful effect on our general wellbeing.

Having always a look on the bright side can change our perception and even our reasoning! But is it really that simple with news? We know it’s not.

This is why we’d like to introduce you to our roundup of some of the brightest stories from this week.

We hope they'll give you a nice shot of positive energy to cheer up your Friday!

Planet Earth has more trees now than 35 years ago

Despite ongoing deforestation, fires, drought-induced die-offs, and insect outbreaks, the world’s area covered by trees actually increased by 2.24 million square kilometres — an area the size of Texas and Alaska combined — over the past 35 years, said a paper published in the journal Nature.

Read more at Mongaby

Sleepy Montenegrins win 'Lazy Olympics'

Four contestants in Montenegro showed grit, determination and ... copious amounts of idleness as they were crowned winners of the "World Lazy Olympics".

The four winners weren't required to display any sporting prowess. In fact, they did nothing but lie on a mattress for 49 hours to take home glory.

Read more at Euronews

Scientists discover water ice on the moon's surface.

For the first time, scientists have found what they say is definitive evidence of water ice on the lunar surface. The discovery suggests that future expeditions to the moon might have a readily available source of water "to explore and even stay on the moon," officials at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said in a statement Tuesday about the discovery.


Read more at Euronews

This woman sang opera while surgeons removed her a 15-year-old brain tumour

A stand-up comedian had her doctors in stitches as they performed life-saving brain surgery.

Sarah-May Philo told jokes and even sang the opera classic Ave Maria as surgeons removed a tumour during a nine-hour operation.

The 34-year-old comic and special needs teacher from Dennistoun in Glasgow knew she would have to be awake to measure brain function but her dialogue with medical staff went beyond all expectations.

Read more at BBC


Paris Aquarium offers sanctuary to 600 goldfish

Two years ago, The Paris Aquarium decided to open a new kind of sanctuary: one entirely dedicated to the humble and ubiquitous goldfish.

Nowadays, more than 600 specimens of varying shades of shimmering orange fill in enormous tanks, donated by individuals concerned about animal welfare and who recognise they might not be able to give their aquatic pet the life they deserve.

Read more at Euronews

While we use only credible sources in this news roundup, Euronews has only independently verified those published on or

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