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Israeli PM warns US against Iran nuclear deal and paving way to a nuclear nightmare

Israeli PM warns US against Iran nuclear deal and paving way to a nuclear nightmare
By Euronews
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Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu has warned the US that it’s negotiating a bad deal with Iran that will pave the way to a “nuclear nightmare”. The


Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu has warned the US that it’s negotiating a bad deal with Iran that will pave the way to a “nuclear nightmare”.

The prime minister’s controversial address to the US Congress pulled no punches claiming Iran’s leadership was not to be trusted and was as radical as ever.

“So when it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy,” said Netanyahu.

The talks to limit Iran’s nuclear programme are nearing a critical late-March deadline for an outline agreement to be reached.

The Israeli leader went on to say:

“To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle and to lose the war. We can’t let that happen…”

Netanyahu’s invitation was a rebuke by the Republican-led Congress to Obama’s threat to veto new sanctions against Iran.

Afterwards the president said the speech had offered nothing new:

“On the core issue, which is how to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon which would make it far more dangerous, the prime minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) did not offer any viable alternatives.”

Back home in Israel Netanyahu is facing a elections in two weeks time. His congressional appearance may have boosted his statesman-abroad image but critics wonder if it was worth widening the rift with the White House.

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