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You may have missed: Under-reported stories from Europe and beyond

You may have missed: Under-reported stories from Europe and beyond
By Euronews
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They didn’t make the international headlines but they captured the imagination of euronews team of international reporters so we have gathered


They didn’t make the international headlines but they captured the imagination of euronews team of international reporters so we have gathered together some of the stories you may have missed from the past week.

Italy: The right to life – from beyond the grave

A 50-year-old widow from Ferrara in northern Italy has won legal permission to have a child from her late husband, using a frozen embryo. The couple tried unsuccessfully to have children before his death from an illness in 2011. A clinic that stored their embryos denied the woman permission to get pregnant following her husband’s death but after a long legal battle that sparked a big ethical debate in Italy, the courts have granted her wish.


Belgium: Rugby club claims ‘ We were robbed’ after 356-3 defeat

A Belgian rugby club that suffered a record 356-3 defeat is seeking to have the result annulled because the referee arrived more than an hour late.Soignies, who play in Belgium’s top division, were decimated by their Brussels-based rivals Kituro on Sunday, their players acting as virtual spectators as their opponents ran in 56 tries.


Brazil: Exorcism? Going beyond the call of police duty!

A probe into police conduct is underway after a video emerged appearing to show officers carrying out an exorcism on a youth on the streets of Goianira in central Brazil. The nine-minute long recording shows police holding the youth amid repeated shouts of: “Get out in the name of Jesus”. Someone asking to call both a priest and the boy’s brother can also be heard. Police authorities have stressed that religion is not part of their duties.

PM faz exorcismo durante abordagem em Goiaspar eduardorecchi


India: ‘Don’t worship me in a temple’ PM Narendra Modi tells fans

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that he was appalled at plans by his fans to deify him in a temple, adding that such an act contradicted tradition.

Building such Temples is not what our culture teaches us. Personally, it made me very sad. Would urge those doing it not to do it.

— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 12, 2015

Hundreds of Modi’s followers in the western city of Rajkot donated funds for a temple with a seated statue of the PM, topped out with a wind gauge shaped like a lotus, the symbol of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The Hindu newspaper is now reporting that the Modi temple plan has been scrapped.


UK: The perilous past of 17th century Londoners

Londoners in the 17th century were never far from danger as plague, infant mortality and angry mobs menaced the capital, burial records dug up by the Crossrail construction project showed. The multi-million euro rail link connecting east and west London, due to open in 2018, is conducting a marathon digging operation for new tunnels. Volunteers working with the project did a different sort of digging, combing through parish record to provide the names of thousands of people at the Bedlam Burial Ground under Liverpool Street Station.


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