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A popcorn seller protests in Bahrain

A popcorn seller protests in Bahrain

“This man’s popcorn machine was taken away from him, preventing him from selling his popcorn, during an attack on Pearl Square in Bahrain’s capital.As local TV said that security forces were armed with guns and swords, he stuck a toy sword and gun on his board sign and wrote: ‘Khalifa [the King’s name] this is what your army used; they even stole my popcorn machine. Why?’This video shows the nation of Bahrain and how peaceful the demonstrators are and how they keep on staying pleasant even after the massacre in Pearl square.”

“This man’s popcorn machine was taken away from him, preventing him from selling his popcorn, during an attack on Pearl Square in Bahrain’s capital.
As local TV said that security forces were armed with guns and swords, he stuck a toy sword and gun on his board sign and wrote: ‘Khalifa [the King’s name] this is what your army used; they even stole my popcorn machine. Why?’
This video shows the nation of Bahrain and how peaceful the demonstrators are and how they keep on staying pleasant even after the massacre in Pearl square.”

February 21. Video by Hussain