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 the European Commission
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the European Commission

Protecting workers’ rights in the age of artificial intelligence

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Artificial intelligence (AI) will bring about a transformative shift in our working lives, potentially impacting every industry. To navigate this shift, employers, employees and policymakers must be prepared.

Ensuring workers can harness the true potential of AI, while setting clear rules that uphold job quality, is one of the key themes of this year’s European Employment & Social Rights Forum (EESRF). The Forum, focusing this year on ‘The impact of AI on the world of work’, is hosted by the European Commission in Brussels and online on 16 and 17 November 2023.


Be part of the dialogue to help shape fair, safe and inclusive workplaces at a time when AI enters the world of work.

“Europe, together with partners, should lead the way on a new global framework for AI. Our number one priority is to ensure AI develops in a human-centric, transparent and responsible way. Our AI Act is already a blueprint for the whole world.”
Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission

Europe’s policies must keep up with technology, and technological innovation requires social innovation. Even many leading players within the AI community are calling for comprehensive legislation to address these challenges, including ethical standards and clear rules on the development and use of AI. And Europe is acting: as part of its digital strategy, the EU wants to regulate AI through the AI Act, the world’s first comprehensive AI legislation, creating better conditions for the development and use of this innovative technology.

There is no doubt that AI has the potential to create many benefits for workers, such as better healthcare, safer and cleaner transport, more efficient manufacturing, and cheaper and more sustainable energy. AI also has the potential to improve workplace safety and make for more inclusive and stable work environments. According to an OECD study, 63 per cent of workers using AI in the finance and manufacturing sectors found their jobs more enjoyable as a result.

Key speakers

  • European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit 
  • European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton 
  • Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Valeriya Ionan 
  • Winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics, and co-founder and co-chair of the Institute for the Future of Work Sir Christopher Pissarides 
  • CEO of O’Reilly Media Tim O’Reilly 
  • Member of the European Parliament, shadow rapporteur on the AI Act, member of the Special Committee on AI in the Digital Age Kim van Sparrentak 
  • Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Dragoș Pîslaru

At the same time, while AI will create new jobs, make us more efficient and boost productivity, it also has the potential to increase workloads, intensify workplace surveillance and greatly change the work landscape. There is an urgent conversation to be had about implementing policies to safeguard job stability, working conditions, and privacy.

Leaps in technological innovation overhaul everything we know. This is why the EU is already working on ways to make sure that even with AI, the world of work remains inclusive, fair and transparent. The Employment and Social Rights Forum is the place to discuss ideas, policy options and experience that will ensure just that.


Register here to attend the Forum.