Eurovision prankster detained by police, could face jail

Eurovision prankster detained by police, could face jail
By Pierre Bertrand
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Ukraine's Interior Minister says police detained a Ukrainian prankster after he jumped on the stage of the Eurovision contest and dropped his pants.


Ukraine’s Interior Minister confirmed police have detained a Ukrainian prankster after he jumped on to the stage of the Eurovision Song Contest and deliberately dropped his pants while draped in the Australian flag.


— loz (@loritempleton9) May 13, 2017

The prankster, identified by Ukrainian authorities as Vitalii Sediuk, revealed his bare bottom to millions of people watching the song contest in Kyiv on Saturday. The stunt was widely shared over the Internet and was one of the most talked about events of the competition.

“During the performance of our Jamala, according to his own words, he decided to realise his hobby as he ‘unofficially works as a provocative journalist,’” said Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov in a statement on Facebook.

Avakov confirmed Sediuk has been detained for 72 hours and could face as many as five years in prison.

“In the meantime, this is a disgrace to the country,” wrote Avakov, “Sediuk will be able to exercise his ‘hobby’ in a cell of a temporary holding facility.”

Sediuk has a long history of pranking A-list personalities and Hollywood actors.

Last year in Paris, he attempted to approach Kim Kardashian days before she was robbed at gunpoint.

He also once struck actor Brad Pitt in the face in 2014 during a brief Red Carpet melee.

During the Cannes Festival last year, Sediuk climbed under the dress of actress America Ferrera. He also at one point hugged actor Leonardo DiCaprio around his waist and was once slapped by actor Will Smith.

The Eurovision competition was won by Portugal’s Salvador Sabral. Bulgaria came second and Moldova finished third.

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