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The Mexican Popocatepetl volcano spewing ash.

Video. Watch: 'Don Goyo''s volcano spew ash

In the foothills of Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano, locals have their own beliefs about why ash is recently raining down on them, and it has little to do with conventional science.

In the foothills of Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano, locals have their own beliefs about why ash is recently raining down on them, and it has little to do with conventional science.

According to legend, the spirit of the volcano, located 70 kilometres southeast of Mexico City, is embodied by a man known locally as "Don Goyo." And when he gets upset, "El Popo" starts to rumble as it has for more than a week.

Every year on March 12, residents mark the day known as Don Goyo's birthday. Hundreds of people approach the crater to offer typical dishes, liquor, flowers and clothes, and sing a traditional song. This year, however, authorities restricted access to the site due to the increased danger, dismaying locals who warned that it would anger the mountain's spirit.


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