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Climate activists protesting on the tarmac

Video. Climate activists protest at Geneva airport during jet convention

Protesters on the tarmac at Geneva airport briefly disrupted air traffic Tuesday before operations were gradually resumed, the airport said, as dozens of climate activists blocked a nearby business jet convention.

Protesters on the tarmac at Geneva airport briefly disrupted air traffic Tuesday before operations were gradually resumed, the airport said, as dozens of climate activists blocked a nearby business jet convention.

"Due to the incursion of people on the tarmac, the air traffic was momentarily disrupted. It has been gradually resuming since 12:40 pm [local time]," Geneva Airport's official Twitter account said.

The notice came as environmental groups said around 100 climate activists from 17 countries had disrupted the next-door European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition -- Europe's biggest sales fair for private jets.

In a joint statement, Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Scientist Rebellion and Extinction Rebellion said the activists were peacefully occupying jets exhibited for the event by Geneva airport.

Around a dozen police officers had rapidly intervened to remove the activists, including some that had attached themselves to planes, the ATS news agency said.

Local police said around 80 people were detained.