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Police officers guard the Vladimir Ribnikar school in Belgrade following the shooting

Video. Serbs mourn victims of two mass shootings

People in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, on Saturday continued to lay flowers and light candles in front of the school where earlier this week a 13-year-old boy opened fire on his fellow students.

People in the Serbian capital, Belgrade, on Saturday continued to lay flowers and light candles in front of the school where earlier this week a 13-year-old boy opened fire on his fellow students.

Seven girls, a boy, and a school guard were killed in the incident which was the second mass attack in just two days this week.

The shootings on Wednesday in Belgrade and on Thursday in a rural area south of the capital city have left the nation stunned and grieving.

Funerals were held on Saturday for some of the victims of two mass shootings that killed 17 people and wounded 21, many of them children.

A school shooting like the one on Wednesday has never happened in Serbia before.