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Video. WATCH: EasyJet staff go on strike in Portugal

Cabin crew at British low-cost carrier EasyJet in Portugal went on a three-day strike on Saturday to demand higher wages, leading to the cancellation of flights.

Cabin crew at British low-cost carrier EasyJet in Portugal went on a three-day strike on Saturday to demand higher wages, leading to the cancellation of flights.

The Portuguese Ministry of Infrastructure, which oversees transport, had established a minimum service of 54 flights.

For its part, Easyjet indicated that it is doing everything possible to "minimise the impact" of this social movement, explaining that it tried to anticipate the strike, by cancelling flights in advance and by giving "the possibility to its customers either to change the flight for free or to obtain a refund".

The strikers are demanding wage increases, "frozen since 2019" and improvements in their working conditions, a union spokesperson said.

In the EasyJet network in Europe, "we are the least well paid" but also those who "work the most hours with the fewest rest periods", he added, adding that the decision to strike was taken after the failure of five months of negotiations with the company.