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A Ukrainian man plunges into icy waters to mark Epiphany.

Video. Watch: Ukrainians plunge into icy waters to mark Epiphany amid war

Ukrainians all over the country are braving so much more than the January cold to plunge into icy pools and attend masses to mark Epiphany. 

Ukrainians all over the country are braving so much more than the January cold to plunge into icy pools and attend masses to mark Epiphany. 

Residents in Mariupol held masses in surviving churches across the city, one of which took place at the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother, surrounded by ruined houses.

Worshippers came to pray and to get consecrated water, queuing up with water vessels.

Those in Kharkiv stripped off into their swimsuits and plunged into an icy pool.

Epiphany is one of the most important holidays in the Orthodox Christian calendar. It commemorates the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan. 

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