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A police marching band plays at a street carnival organized by the Tigray Development Association in support of the recent peace deal agreed between the Ethiopian federal gove

Video. WATCH: Children and youth march for peace in Tigray after ceasefire

Young people from Tigray’s regional capital Mekele took part in a peace parade with many hoping that the ceasefire agreed between Ethiopia’s government and their region may mean they can soon return to school.

Young people from Tigray’s regional capital Mekele took part in a peace parade with many hoping that the ceasefire agreed between Ethiopia’s government and their region may mean they can soon return to school.

Education facilities and other services have been closed for more than two years in Tigray since fighting broke out in 2020.

The ‘Peace For All’ Carnival in Mekele was organised by the Tigray Development Association (TDA) in collaboration with the locally renowned Circus Tigray.

Among the 600 participants who marched through town, led by a police orchestra, were about 200 children performing circus skills and martial arts.

For more watch the video above.