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Dubai Ride turns the city's biggest roads into a giant cycle track

Video. Dubai Ride turns the city's biggest roads into a giant cycle track

Dubai’s landmark Sheikh Zayed Road and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard was turned into a giant cycle track for one of the emirates biggest community events. Thousands of cyclists geared up at 5am ready to tackle the 12k Dubai Ride route which is held as part of the month-long Dubai Fitness Challenge. The sporting initiative is now in its 6th year and encourages the city’s residents to commit to 30 minutes of activity for 30 days.

Dubai’s landmark Sheikh Zayed Road and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard was turned into a giant cycle track for one of the emirates biggest community events. Thousands of cyclists geared up at 5am ready to tackle the 12k Dubai Ride route which is held as part of the month-long Dubai Fitness Challenge. The sporting initiative is now in its 6th year and encourages the city’s residents to commit to 30 minutes of activity for 30 days.


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