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Climate activists stage a protest during the COP27 summit in Egypt's Red Sea resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, on November 11, 2022.

Video. Activists march through COP27 venue

Scores of youth climate activists marched in protest through the venue of the COP27 climate talks taking place in Egypt.

Scores of youth climate activists marched in protest through the venue of the COP27 climate talks taking place in Egypt.

The march was organised by the Fridays for Future climate movement launched by Greta Thunberg in 2018. And the demonstrators called on governments to fulfil their pledges to financially support poorer nations in their efforts to fight climate change.

The movement included speakers from indigenous groups, minority communities and underrepresented groups.

Climate activist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Vanessa Nakate joined other activists in protesting and questioned whether US President Joe Biden will "stand with the most vulnerable communities."

"We come here to confront the racism, capitalism and exclusion that COP27 represents," said Vanessa Miriam Vargas Teutle, a climate activist from Mexico. "We're the owners of our future. We want a possible horizon where we can live in dignity," she added.


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