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Police officers and protesters in a tense stand-off in Peru's capital

Video. Thousands march in Peru calling for president's resignation

Thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Lima on Saturday calling for the removal of President Pedro Castillo, who is the subject of six corruption investigations.

Thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Lima on Saturday calling for the removal of President Pedro Castillo, who is the subject of six corruption investigations.

The anti-government protesters made their way through the capital's centre before they were confronted by dozens of riot police who used tear gas to prevent them from reaching parliament and the government palace.

Similar demonstrations called by political groups and civil associations took place in other cities around the country, two weeks before the arrival of a delegation from the Organisation of American States to "analyse" the political crisis.

Castillo, a former rural school teacher, has faced widespread criticism since he took the helm from Peru's traditional political elite in elections last year.

He has survived two impeachment attempts since taking office in July 2021.

Castillo, serving a five-year term that ends in 2026, cannot be criminally tried while in office.


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