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People transport cassava in a canoes along flooded residential streets after a heavy downpour In Bayelsa, Nigeria

Video. Houses and roads submerged as Nigeria grapples with deadly flooding

Recent flooding in Nigeria has submerged roads, houses and disrupted supply routes for the delivery of aid. At least 600 people have died across the west African nation, and 1.3 million others have been forced to leave their homes, according to the latest government figures.

Recent flooding in Nigeria has submerged roads, houses and disrupted supply routes for the delivery of aid. At least 600 people have died across the west African nation, and 1.3 million others have been forced to leave their homes, according to the latest government figures.

Many have been moved to displacement camps and are using boats to get around. 

This week, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization representative in Nigeria warned that the floods had increased the risk of disease outbreaks such as cholera.