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Tunisian security forces fire tear gas at protesters during clashes after the death of a young man injured in a chase

Video. Tunisia mourners clash with police after young man's death

Tunisian mourners clashed with security forces on Friday after the death of a young man from injuries sustained during a police chase a month ago.

Tunisian mourners clashed with security forces on Friday after the death of a young man from injuries sustained during a police chase a month ago.

Protestors threw rocks at security forces after Malek Sellimi's funeral in the working-class neighbourhood of Upper Omran on the edges of Tunis, according to videos shared widely online.

More than a decade since the 2011 revolution that toppled dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, police in the birthplace of the Arab Spring uprisings are often accused of using excessive force.

The Tunisian Human Rights League says 14 young men have been killed in recent years in incidents involving the police, adding that officials rarely face justice.

Rights groups say that since President Kais Saied's power grab last July, authorities have increasingly used measures reminiscent of those employed under Ben Ali.