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Video. Brazil Indigenous protest in front of EU buildings over missing men

Brazilian Indigenous leaders demonstrate in front of EU buildings in Brussels against the disappearance -- and suspected murders -- in the Amazon of British journalist Dom Phillips and land rights activist Bruno Pereira.

Brazilian Indigenous leaders demonstrate in front of EU buildings in Brussels against the disappearance -- and suspected murders -- in the Amazon of British journalist Dom Phillips and land rights activist Bruno Pereira.

One of two men arrested over the disappearance of a British journalist and an Indigenous expert in the Brazilian Amazon confessed to having buried the pair in the jungle, federal police said Wednesday after human remains were found.

Dom Phillips and his guide Bruno Pereira went missing June 5 in a remote part of the Amazon that is rife with environmental crimes including illegal mining, fishing and logging, as well as drug trafficking.

Police did not specify whether the suspect, Amarildo da Costa de Oliveira, also confessed to killing the pair, saying only that he "recounted in detail the crime that was committed and indicated the place where he buried the bodies."

President Jair Bolsonaro said Monday that entrails were found in the water during search operations, but police never confirmed this.

The day before, police said they had found personal effects belonging to the two missing men.

Bolsonaro -- whose government has been accused of dragging its feet in the investigation -- drew fresh criticism Wednesday for saying Phillips was "disliked" for his reporting on the region and should have been more careful.