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Fans of Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic react to news of his court win.

Video. Djokovic fans celebrate outside lawyer's office

Tennis star Novak Djokovic won a court battle to stay in Australia to contest the Australian Open despite not being vaccinated against COVID-19, but the government threatened to cancel his visa a second time.

Tennis star Novak Djokovic won a court battle to stay in Australia to contest the Australian Open despite not being vaccinated against COVID-19, but the government threatened to cancel his visa a second time.

Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly reinstated Djokovic's visa, which was canceled after his arrival last week because officials decided he didn't meet the criteria for an exemption to an entry requirement that all non-citizens be fully vaccinated.

The judge also ordered the government to release Djokovic within 30 minutes from a Melbourne quarantine hotel where he has spent the last four nights.

People celebrated the decision outside Djokovic' lawyer's office in Melbourne, playing instruments and dancing in a large circle.

Government lawyer Christopher Tran told the judge after the ruling that the minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, Alex Hawke, "will consider whether to exercise a personal power of cancellation."

That would mean Djokovic could again face deportation and could miss the Australian Open, which starts on January 17.

Kelly said the threat of a further visa cancellation meant the "stakes have now risen rather than receded."