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Harsh winter and snowfall deepen ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

Video. Harsh winter and snowfall deepen ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

Snowfall and dropping temperatures have increased the problems of the poor and needy people across Afghanistan. The harsh conditions have especially hit displaced people, many of whom are forced to spend their nights in simple shacks or even tents with no heating.

Snowfall and dropping temperatures have increased the problems of the poor and needy people across Afghanistan. The harsh conditions have especially hit displaced people, many of whom are forced to spend their nights in simple shacks or even tents with no heating.

These people, deprived of basic needs, hope that charities and the government could help them to survive the winter. A woman without proper winter clothing said to reporters she is tired of this painful life.

Meanwhile, the World Food Program (WFP) for Asia has just announced that due to winter conditions, about 4 million children in Afghanistan face malnutrition and need immediate help.