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Empty streets in Sudan ahead of planned protest

Video. Empty streets in Sudan ahead of planned protest

The streets of the Sudanese capital were eerily empty on Saturday morning hours before anti-coup protesters planned to come out and rally against a military takeover that has derailed the country's transition to civilian rule and triggered deadly clashes.

The streets of the Sudanese capital were eerily empty on Saturday morning hours before anti-coup protesters planned to come out and rally against a military takeover that has derailed the country's transition to civilian rule and triggered deadly clashes.

The military on Monday detained Sudan's civilian leadership, dissolved the government and declared a state of emergency, leading to a chorus of international condemnation.

Street protests erupted against the coup, triggering a crackdown by the security forces that has left at least eight demonstrators dead and around 170 injured.

Despite the bloodshed, the protesters remain defiant, with organisers hoping to stage a "million-strong" march against the military's power grab on Saturday.