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Video. Protesters march in Spain after killing of gay man

People took to the streets of cities across Spain again on Sunday to demand justice after a young gay man was beaten to death last weekend in a suspected homophobic attack.

People took to the streets of cities across Spain again on Sunday to demand justice after a young gay man was beaten to death last weekend in a suspected homophobic attack.

Crowds filled a central Madrid square and activists marched the streets of Almeria and the northern city of Coruna, where the crime happened, chanting slogans and waving rainbow-coloured flags.

Similar demonstrations were held in other cities over the weekend, including Barcelona and Seville.

Samuel Luiz, a 24-year-old nursing assistant, was beaten unconscious near a nightclub in Coruna in the early hours of July 3 by several assailants. He died later in hospital.

The attackers shouted homophobic slurs while beating Luiz, according to his friends' version of events.

Police have so far arrested six suspects, including two minors, over the killing but the authorities have said they are still working to determine if the attack was motivated by homophobia.


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