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Pink flamingos flying over Lake Tuz

Video. Turkey's bird paradise welcomes annual Pink flamingo migration

Flamingos arrive by the thousands at Lake Tuz in Turkey's central Anatolia.

Flamingos arrive by the thousands at Lake Tuz in Turkey's central Anatolia.

Every year, as soon as the weather warms up, tens of thousands of flamingos come to Lake Tuz, a key location on their migration route. It has become their largest natural breeding colony in the world.

The lake, which offers unique feeding, incubation and nursery opportunities for flamingos, will be their home from September to October, before the birds decided to move to warmer regions.

Spring is also the moment when Lake Van's shores blossom  in the far east of Turkey.

Also known as the "Weeping bride" or the "Kaiser's crown", Fritillaria imperialis looks like an inverted tulip and attracts tourists every year.

Photographers and nature lovers flock to capture the red, orange and yellow carpeted landscape.

The flower grows in a zone that streches from the Anatolian plateau in Turkey to the foothills of the Himalayas.

Fritillaria imperialis has always been the source of legends in many faiths and cultures. Its flowering is accompanied by a fox-like odour that repels mice, moles and other small animals. An effect that may be of interest to farmers looking for a natural solution to steer animals away.


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