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Video. Minnesota police shooting: riots erupt in Portland and enter second night in Brooklyn Center

Police clashed with protesters for a second night in the Minneapolis suburb where a police officer fatally shot a Black man in a traffic stop over the weekend.

Police clashed with protesters for a second night in the Minneapolis suburb where a police officer fatally shot a Black man in a traffic stop over the weekend.

Hundreds of protesters faced off against police in Brooklyn Center after nightfall on Monday, and hours after a dusk-to-dawn curfew was announced by the governor.

When the protesters wouldn't disperse, police began firing gas canisters and flash-bang grenades, sending clouds wafting over the crowd and chasing some protesters away.

A long line of police in riot gear, rhythmically pushing their clubs in front of them, began slowly forcing back the remaining crowds.

A demonstration also turned into a riot Monday night in Portland, Oregon, with some in the crowd throwing rocks and other projectiles at officers.

Officials have said that the shooting death on Sunday of 20-year-old Daunte Wright as “an accidental discharge.”

They have also said that the officer had apparently intended to fire a Taser, not a handgun.

The shooting sparked unrest in an area already on edge because of the trial of the first of four police officers charged over George Floyd’s death last year.


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