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Visitors to the Ziggo Dome attend a performance by Dutch musician Phil Bee in Amsterdam on March 7 2021.

Video. Revelers in Amsterdam hit dancefloor for club night experiment

1,300 revelers hit the dancefloor again Saturday night for a trial dance event hosted at Amsterdam's Ziggo Dome.

1,300 revelers hit the dancefloor again Saturday night for a trial dance event hosted at Amsterdam's Ziggo Dome.

The evening was part of a series of experiments by Fieldlab – an initiative set up by the government and the events industry – investigating how large groups can gather safely in times of coronavirus. 

The Ziggo Dome's normal capacity is 17,000 and more than 100,000 people had applied for tickets.

The dance enthusiasts were divided into five groups, or bubbles, of 250 people, each with different rules and all equipped with sensors to monitor how much contact they had with others.

Some had to wear face masks, while others were encouraged to shout and cheer as much as possible.

Fieldlab has already run other experiments involving a business conference, a football match, and a theater show.

Party-goers had to get tested for COVID-19 prior to the event.


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