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Video. Coronavirus: Santa meets children in Peru through a plastic bubble

A few days before Christmas, on the outskirts of the Peruvian capital, Lima, a plastic bubble is helping keep Santa Claus and visiting children safe from COVID-19.

A few days before Christmas, on the outskirts of the Peruvian capital, Lima, a plastic bubble is helping keep Santa Claus and visiting children safe from COVID-19.

The barrier allows the youngsters to approach Santa with confidence, leave their wish lists and talk with him.

Staff from the Comas district municipality also take the children's temperature, disinfect their hands before and immediately after a child meets Father Christmas.

They also disinfect the exterior of the bubble before the next visitor in line has their turn.

With most children stuck at home, with schools closed and a lack of other outdoor activities, the local government is trying to bring a bit of fun to their festive season.

Daniel Pizarro Obregón was playing Santa this year. A Peruvian who lived in Venezuela for 40 years working as an electrician, the crisis there brought him back home to Peru where he now works for the local government.


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