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Sign language interpreters take on hip hop in Paris

Video. Sign language interpreters take on hip hop in Paris

Laëty and Adamo Sayad are sign language interpreters who performed next to artists at a hip hop concert in Paris on Saturday.

Laëty and Adamo Sayad are sign language interpreters who performed next to artists at a hip hop concert in Paris on Saturday.

It was the 5th edition of Hip Hop Symphonic and the two interpreters used sign language to translate performers on stage at the concert.

It exposed them to a larger public and came at the request of Mouv' and Radio France which broadcast and ran the event.

"Sign language is an interpretation that requires construction and incarnation. We give to see, and the influences of rap and reggae indeed pass through the body, sometimes with small dance steps," Laëty told AFP. 

The hip hop concert took place without a live audience due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.


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