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Riot police detain protesters during a rally of opposition supporters

Video. Violent protests continue after disputed Belarus election

Dozens were injured as protesters clashed with police for a second night in Belarus after official results gave a landslide victory to authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko.

Dozens were injured as protesters clashed with police for a second night in Belarus after official results gave a landslide victory to authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko.

Lukashenko responded with a tough crackdown on demonstrations, deriding the opposition as "sheep" manipulated by foreigners.

Opposition supporters in the country gathered in Minsk chanting "Long live Belarus!" while a heavy police force blocked movement.

Around 1,000 protesters gathered near a big shopping mall in downtown Minsk, and police used flash-bang grenades and rubber bullets to disperse them.

One person died after an explosive detonated in his hands, a spokesperson for Belarus' Interior Ministry wrote on her Telegram channel.

The Viasna rights group said protesters also gathered in several other Belarusian cities, including Brest, Mogilev and Vitebsk, where detentions also took place.

The police crackdown drew harsh criticism from European capitals and will likely complicate Lukashenko's efforts to mend ties with the West amid tensions with his main ally and sponsor, Russia.


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