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Stringent health measures ahead of EU summit on COVID-19 recovery plan

Video. Stringent health measures ahead of EU summit on COVID-19 recovery plan

Brussels is undergoing deep health and safety measures as it hosts the EU summit on the coronavirus recovery package.

Brussels is undergoing deep health and safety measures as it hosts the EU summit on the coronavirus recovery package.

Workers conducted a deep clean of the meeting room at the European Council before negotiations continued.

After two full sessions on July 17, summit host and European Council President Charles Michel is now working with individual nations to narrow down their sizable differences over who should give and get the money - of which €1.85 trillion has been budgeted - and under which conditions.

The challenges facing the 27 EU leaders are huge.

The bloc is suffering the worst recession in its history and member states are trying to figure out which countries would get most help to turn around their battered economies.

What was slated as a two-day meeting could go even longer, if necessary, to bridge the differences between the leaders.


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