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Coronavirus: masked statues make cultural comment and health reminder in Lithuania

Video. Masked statues comment on culture and health in Lithuania

Sombre monuments and playful statues on the Lithuanian city streets have been decorated with face masks, drawing attention to both the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the cultural scene and the need to follow health advice.

Sombre monuments and playful statues on the Lithuanian city streets have been decorated with face masks, drawing attention to both the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the cultural scene and the need to follow health advice.

In Vilnius, a number of statues have been masked by artists offering a sad commentary on the stillness of the cultural life. Everything from new performances to established cinema festivals have been cancelled with the national opera dressmakers turning to sewing face masks.

In the northern city of Siauliai where the country's first coronavirus case was registered in February - and the patient since released from hospital - the masks were created by the local cultural centre. Most sculptures on the main pedestrian street there were covered in a campaign to remind the public, especially the youngsters, about personal responsibility, empathy and the need to care for each other.


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