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King Felipe VI leads state opening of Spanish parliament in Madrid

Video. King Felipe VI leads state opening of Spanish parliament in Madrid

Spain's two parliamentary houses met together for the formal state opening by King Felipe VI, held at the Lower House Congress of Deputies in Madrid.

Spain's two parliamentary houses met together for the formal state opening by King Felipe VI, held at the Lower House Congress of Deputies in Madrid.

"I congratulate [Prime Minister] Pedro Sanchez Perez Castejon and I wish him much success in the great responsibility he has taken," Felipe said. 

"Spain cannot be for some against others; it must be of everyone and for everyone."

Deputies and senators, including many of from the United Podemos (far-left party), applauded the king for several minutes.

Outside the congress, 49 representatives of various parties from Catalonia and the Basque Country read a joint statement in which they rejected the legitimacy of the king and boycotted the ceremony.


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