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Tornado wreaks havoc upon apartment complex in Dayton, Ohio

Video. Tornado wreaks havoc upon apartment complex in Dayton, Ohio

Aerial footage released on Tuesday showed an apartment complex in Dayton, Ohio, that was torn to shreds by one of three tornadoes that hit the state on Monday.

Aerial footage released on Tuesday showed an apartment complex in Dayton, Ohio, that was torn to shreds by one of three tornadoes that hit the state on Monday.

The storms were among 55 twisters that forecasters said may have touched down Monday across eight states stretching eastward from Idaho and Colorado.

The past couple of weeks have seen unusually high tornado activity in the US, with no immediate end to the pattern in sight.

The winds peeled away roofs, leaving homes looking like giant dollhouses, knocked houses off their foundations, toppled trees, brought down power lines and churned up so much debris that it was visible on radar.