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Actors are seen on the cross in a re-enactment of the crucifixion of Jesus

Video. Easter Passion re-enactment in impoverished Caracas neighborhood

Residents of the Petare neighbourhood in Caracas watched as actors told the story of Jesus' last hours: Roman soldiers whipped Jesus as well as two other condemned men and forced them to carry wooden beams to the top of the hill where they were then crucified.

Residents of the Petare neighbourhood in Caracas watched as actors told the story of Jesus' last hours: Roman soldiers whipped Jesus as well as two other condemned men and forced them to carry wooden beams to the top of the hill where they were then crucified.

The scenes of pain and suffering seemed to unite spectators in hoping for a better future for their own country.

Venezuela is currently going through a deep economic, social and political crisis, which has made it difficult for citizens to find food and medicine.