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No Comment of the Week: China blossoms, glacier collapse, Bolt races a car, fire in South Korea

Video. No Comment of the Week

Chinese villages in bloomBlossoms are brightening up the villages in southwest China's Yunnan Province. They are expected to stay in full bloom for as long as a month.

Chinese villages in bloom

Blossoms are brightening up the villages in southwest China's Yunnan Province. They are expected to stay in full bloom for as long as a month.

Glacier collapse in Iceland

A glacier collapse sent a large wave towards the shores of Iceland, after ice chunks broke from the edge, a natural process called glacier calving. Mountain guide Stephan Mantler, who captured the phenomenon on camera said: “This was an extraordinarily large calving and much closer to the shore than usual".

Usain Bolt vs motorcycle

Athletics champion Usain Bolt, 32, competed against a motorcycle taxi in the Peruvian capital Lima... and won.

Fire forces evacuations in South Korea

In South Korea's Gangwon province, a fire killed two people and burned down more than 120 houses. The fire spread to the mountains and near the North Korean border. More than 2,500 people were evacuated.