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Relatives mourn their loved ones at Ethiopian Airlines crash site

Video. Relatives mourn their loved ones at Ethiopian Airlines crash site

Relatives have been wailing and beating their chests at the site of the Ethiopian Airlines crash as others picked through the rubble for any sign of the 157 people who died.

Relatives have been wailing and beating their chests at the site of the Ethiopian Airlines crash as others picked through the rubble for any sign of the 157 people who died.

Some family members have expressed frustration with the pace of the investigation and release of information.

While a bulldozer navigates the dusty scene with piles of debris, investigators, searchers and others wander the ground, some with large clear plastic bags. Blue plastic sheeting covers the wreckage of the plane.

People from 35 countries died in Sunday's crash. More families are expected to arrive on Thursday.

France says it will analyse the data from the plane's black box.