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Moroccan female skater goes against the tide

Video. Moroccan female skater goes against the tide

A pair of skates given to then 10-year-old Douaa Elhadri as a gift from her uncle ended up changing the young Moroccan's life.

A pair of skates given to then 10-year-old Douaa Elhadri as a gift from her uncle ended up changing the young Moroccan's life.

Now 22, Elhadri said that over the past decade the one constant in her life was skating, through which she defies norms and challenges a community that is reluctant to accept women on skates.

The skater studied tourism and works as a hotel receptionist, but at skateparks she unleashes her passion for skating, practicing relentlessly and performing tricks.

She aspires to create a federation for skaters and hopes to take her skills up to the level that allows her to participate in international competitions