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Museum of Failure celebrates unsuccessful innovations

Video. Museum of Failure celebrates unsuccessful innovations

Cased in glass and lit up by neon lights, the Donald Trump board game, the plastic bicycle, an electric beauty mask, bottles of Green Ketchup and a host of other unlikely innovations have found fame again in Sweden’s Museum of Failure.

Cased in glass and lit up by neon lights, the Donald Trump board game, the plastic bicycle, an electric beauty mask, bottles of Green Ketchup and a host of other unlikely innovations have found fame again in Sweden’s Museum of Failure.

The museum, one floor of a cultural centre in the coastal town of Helsingborg, is the work of psychologist Dr. Samuel West, a 44-year-old Californian who used to research how to make big companies more innovative.

Launching in the summer of 2017 with support from the Swedish Innovation Fund, the exhibition is made up of items that West collected and that were donated to him by visitors.