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flooding in Kenya

Video. Aid organisation says almost 100 people killed in weeks of flooding in Kenya

Six people have drowned in Kenya in overnight flooding and 11 others are missing, local authorities said on Friday, the latest of dozens of deaths caused by heavy seasonal rains in recent weeks.

Six people have drowned in Kenya in overnight flooding and 11 others are missing, local authorities said on Friday, the latest of dozens of deaths caused by heavy seasonal rains in recent weeks.

Marshal Mukuvare, disaster management delegate for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), said on Friday that about 100 people are thought to have died and about 260,000 have been displaced by the heavy rains since March, the majority of them in Tana River, Kilifi and Mandera counties.

Mukuvare said the (IFRC) launched an appeal to provide shelter, food and medical assistance, warning the floods could trigger or worsen outbreaks of diseases such as malaria and cholera.

Floods from seasonal rains hit as the East African nation was recovering from a devastating drought last year that affected half of its counties.


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