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US students launch walkout against gun violence

Video. US students launch walkout against gun violence

Students walked out of classrooms across the United States on Wednesday (March 14), waving signs and chanting their demands for tighter gun safety laws, joining a movement spearheaded by survivors of the deadly shooting spree at a Florida high school last month.

Students walked out of classrooms across the United States on Wednesday (March 14), waving signs and chanting their demands for tighter gun safety laws, joining a movement spearheaded by survivors of the deadly shooting spree at a Florida high school last month.

The #ENOUGH National School Walkout began with 17-minute walkouts planned at schools across U.S. time zones, commemorating the 17 students and staff killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14.

Students at Bard High School in Queens joined the walkout. holding signs and calling for new gun control laws, chanting "No more silence, end gun violence."

"Prayers don't fix bullet holes," read one sign. "Am I Next?" read another.