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German protesters out to influence COP 23

Video. German protesters out to influence COP 23

About 7000 people protested on Saturday for better protection of the climate 2 days ahead of the COP23 conference in Bonn.

About 7000 people protested on Saturday for better protection of the climate 2 days ahead of the COP23 conference in Bonn.

“Bonn becomes the World Climate Capital 2017: It is time to go Further, Faster – Together”, by our Nick_Nuttall</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) 4 novembre 2017

Protesters come from different countries, such as The Netherlands and France. They demanded a faster exit from energy production by coal. The protests come ahead of the COP23 meeting which starts on Monday and is set to implement the Paris climate accord.

1000s of young climate heroes are gathered in Bonn to accelerate #ClimateAction ahead of COP23</a>! <br><br>We can be the generation to stop climate change and create a sustainable planet for all. ??? <a href=""></a> <a href="">#COY13</a> <a href=""></a></p>— UN Youth Envoy (UNYouthEnvoy) 3 novembre 2017

Germany has never before hosted an intergovernmental conference this size. Twenty-five thousand people are expected to attend the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn. The city is preparing for the onslaught. The logistics have been far from simple.

Bonn has become a life-size street theatre for demonstrators in the streets carrying banners in German, saying slogans like: Planet Earth First, Protect the climate, Fight for Climate Justice, Stop coal, Save the climate, Climate Justice, Move out of the way for the new energy generation, and Sylt goes under too much coal.

Small preview of the cultural performances that will be on show in Bonn at #COP23.

— COP23 (@COP23) 26 octobre 2017