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Ophelia turns London skyline orange

Video. Ophelia turns London skyline orange

Londoners and visitors took in the eerie sights as streets and landmarks were bathed in orange light by winds brought in from the remnants of Hurricane Ophelia.

Londoners and visitors took in the eerie sights as streets and landmarks were bathed in orange light by winds brought in from the remnants of Hurricane Ophelia.

Although Ophelia has been downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone, Ireland’s National Emergency Coordination Group on Severe Weather warned that the storm is still “unprecedented, with serious life-threatening conditions.”

Ireland’s weather service, Met Eireann, described the storm as the most powerful on record to have ever been this far east in the Atlantic. Forecasters warned of flying debris, such as tiles blown from roofs.

Large waves around coastal districts tossed sand and rocks onto coastal roads, seafronts and properties.

Wind warnings were in place for Northern Ireland, parts of Wales and western parts of England.

Planes were grounded at several locations in the British Isles.