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US border guards save tiger cub

Video. US border guards save tiger cub

A tiger cub, confiscated by U.S. Border Patrol agents on August 22, has found a new home at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The male Bengal cub was seized after officers found it while investigating a car crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and brought to the zoo for treatment.

A tiger cub, confiscated by U.S. Border Patrol agents on August 22, has found a new home at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The male Bengal cub was seized after officers found it while investigating a car crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and brought to the zoo for treatment.

“He does have teeth, they’re coming in. He’ll be teething in the next week or two. That will probably be a little chore for everybody. Get him through that. He’ll be chewing on everything. But otherwise, I listened to his heart. His heart and lungs sound good and overall he’s in pretty good shape,” said San Diego yoo lead veterinarian Dr. Jim Oosterhuis.

Veterinary staff have determined the cub, estimated to be 5 to 6 weeks old, is in good health. They will care for him until his permanent home is decided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


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