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Sand sculpting in Shaanxi, China

Video. Sand sculpting in Shaanxi, China

Chinese sand sculptors have built and opened their country’s largest sand sculpture park in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. The park covers an area of 20,000 square meters with 70 sand sculptures on display. The park expects tens of thousands of visitors in the next two months.

Chinese sand sculptors have built and opened their country’s largest sand sculpture park in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. The park covers an area of 20,000 square meters with 70 sand sculptures on display. The park expects tens of thousands of visitors in the next two months.

The Loulan Kingdom sand sculpture in the park is claimed to be the largest single sand sculpture in the world so far, as it stands 25 meters tall with a base perimeter of 400 meters.
The sand sculpture park is situated in the Mu Us Desert, one of the four well-known sandy lands in China. This desert provides high-quality raw materials for sand sculpturing.