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70-year-old skydiver becomes internet heroine in China

Video. 70-year-old skydiver becomes internet heroine in China

Daredevil grandmother Zuo Shufen is like many elderly Chinese; fit and raring to go despite advanced years thanks to a healthy lifestyle and an oriental awareness of the human body, its strengths and limitations.

Daredevil grandmother Zuo Shufen is like many elderly Chinese; fit and raring to go despite advanced years thanks to a healthy lifestyle and an oriental awareness of the human body, its strengths and limitations.

The nearly 70-year-old Zuo has become an internet sensation in China because morning limberings-up doing Tai-Chi in a city park are not adventurous enough for her. No, Zuo has taken up skydiving.

Her grandchildren are astonished, admitting some people their age would not dare to do what grandma is taking in her stride.