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Christians light candles with holy fire

Video. Christians light candles with holy fire

Thousands of Christian worshippers attended the ceremony of Easter’s Holy Fire on Saturday (April 15) at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and lit their candles with holy fire from Jesus’ tomb.

Thousands of Christian worshippers attended the ceremony of Easter’s Holy Fire on Saturday (April 15) at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and lit their candles with holy fire from Jesus’ tomb.

The Holy Fire is considered a miracle occurring every year on Holy Saturday, the day preceding Orthodox Easter Sunday.

At exactly 2 p.m. every year, a sunbeam is believed to shine through the window in the ceiling of the church and light a lamp placed in the tomb.

Seconds after the Orthodox patriarch reveals the Holy Fire, it spreads throughout the church as worshippers light each other’s candles. Traditionally, an olive lamp lit by the Holy Fire is transferred soon after the ceremony to the West Bank town of Bethlehem, revered as the birthplace of Jesus Christ.